Innovative Knitex Limited, BSCIC , Fatullah,Narayongonj.
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Innovative Knitex Limited is one of the most successful knitwear manufacturers in Bangladesh; a country with great eventuality in the field of garment- manufacturing. Innovative has acquired a protean product chain to feed flexible orders in shorter lead- time. Being an assiduity-standard instrument holder, Innovative assures the perfect mix of quality and effectiveness. Innovative has passed over 18 times of accomplishment, aiming to lead the competitive knitwear- associations of Bangladesh.
It has laboriouslyre-engineered each step of its value- chain to match the energy of the fashion request. Innovative Knittex Limited has expanded its capacity, developed a professed pool and introduced integrated technologies, to remain encyclopedically over- to- date. It's truly an association with a noble history and a bright future.
Inflexibility is the name of the game where Innovative Manufacturing is concerned. To enhance client satisfaction and meet the conditions of a global request, we offer a complete range of knitwear for Men's, Ladies, Kid's and cashmere vesture and throws.
Also protean and complicated designs in different tinges are produced with perfection and rigorously laid down specifications. We present 3 Collections monthlyi.e Afterlife, Winter and Summer collection and continuously input new ideas all time round. This comprises of 100 Cashmere garments and trendy knitwear.
Both in terms of quality and volume we've always surpassed prospects. To give total satisfaction to our guests, our quality platoon ensures that a complete follow- up is maintained throughout the plant. Our knitwear products are exported substantially to Europe, Canada and Asia.